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Mental Health Resources


As a school district, we strive to carry out the values of inclusion and diversity, as well as to include and engage staff, students, families, and our community in these efforts. We know this work means having difficult conversations, whether they pertain to the world, country, and/or our own school community.  

We want to thank our Parent Teacher Associations, DEI Committee, Safety Committee, and Mental Wellness Committee for providing their ongoing support and ideas. We desire ongoing dialogue and we invite concerned families, community members, and students to reach out with any questions, thoughts, or matters related to mental wellness. We encourage families to talk with their children about these important issues and have provided some resources below.

We encourage you to review some of the work our Mental Wellness Committee has accomplished going back to 2016. The Mental Wellness Committee uses a three-prong approach where all programs, initiatives and supports are delivered to staff, families and students. The work aligns with our district’s strategic plan, mission, and vision with a goal of fostering resiliency in our students. 

Past work has focused on delivering presentations to staff members, parents/guardians, and community stakeholders on substance use and abuse, anxiety and stress, bullying, social media, suicide prevention and awareness, as well as developing coping skills and self care. The district has offered keynote speakers on these topics to students, staff and community members each fall and spring since 2016. The committee meets regularly and utilizes a student forum where our student leaders provide feedback, guidance, and advocacy which is utilized to drive decision making. 

Other initiatives have included staff training in Mental Health First Aid, Social Emotional Learning, Crisis intervention, Trauma Informed Care, and Restorative Practices. The district continues to utilize the Behavior Intervention Monitoring and Assessment System (BIMAS) to better understand instructional needs and gauge the effectiveness of our SEL curriculum and other Tier 1 social emotional programs and initiatives. District staff members use the BIMAS as a screening tool to measure each student's social-behavioral health and identify students who may be at risk or in need of support, referrals, or emergency services care. 

As we move forward, we are in the process of planning future presentations and community events. The district is also working to turn-key train support staff members in Teen Mental Health First Aid with a goal of having the trainers provide all students in grades 10-12 with Teen Mental Health First Aid training during the 2023-2024 school year. Teen Mental Health First Aid teaches our teens how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among their friends and peers. 

Elementary and Middle School building leaders, teachers, and support staff members will continue to utilize Second Step for SEL lessons, the embed positivity project and utilize McMahon Ryan’s High Five program. As a district, we recognize the need for additional mental health support and continue to work to expand Liberty Resource Mental Health Clinics, Promise Zone and ACCESS Liaisons throughout our district. Our district has added four elementary school counselors this year to support our students’ social-emotional learning needs. 

We recognize we will always have more work to do and appreciate your assistance.  We value your input and collaboration. We are listening and we thank you for your continued support of our students!