In an effort to fully support all instructional staff members, the Office of Curriculum & Instruction has provided the following resources:
K-5 Warm-up Wellness Activities
K-5 Outdoor Wellness Activities
K-5 Indoor Wellness Activities
K-6 Literacy Framework: Balancing Your Instructional Focus & Time to Meet the Needs of Students
K-5 Mental Health P2 Curriculum
6-8 Mental Health P2 Curriculum
Mathematics Standards Glossary/Verbs Document
Second Step - Social Worker Facilitated Curriculum
Course Revision Form (Make a Copy)
New Course Proposal Form (Make a Copy)
District's Text Adoption Form
K-6 Literacy Framework: Balancing Your Instructional Focus & Time to Meet the Needs of Students
Teacher Evaluation Rubric (APPR)
Using iRead within Your ELA Block
District Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan - Detailed Version