Dear Parents, Guardians, and Staff,
The senior musical production of “Hadestown: Teen Edition” opened last night to rave reviews! I had the privilege of being in attendance and it was an incredible experience. The level of talent on and off the stage is extraordinary. The entire production was extremely impressive and I strongly encourage our community to check it out. Details of the remaining performances are listed below.
I have a few announcements to share with you today:
Hadestown Teen Edition:
The Baldwinsville Theater Arts Program presents the senior production of Anais Mitchell’s “Hadestown Teen Edition.” There’s a 7 p.m. show tonight and Saturday. The show on Sunday is at 1 p.m. Online tickets are available at Tickets are available at no cost to the public. No online fees are assessed for free tickets. Please note, if a show is sold out online, please still come to the show of your choice and check in with the box office. We will be filling open seats prior to the start of the show.
“Student Art - Naturally” exhibit:
The artwork of 30 elementary school students in the Baldwinsville Central School District was selected to be part of the annual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit at Beaver Lake Nature Center. The theme of the exhibit sponsored by Region 3 is “Student Art - Naturally.” This special art exhibit features artwork created by local students in pre-kindergarten through 5th grade with a nature theme. See list of names.
Community Café:
You’re invited to join us for our Community Café on Wednesday, March 12th at C.W. Baker High School in the cafeteria. The topic discussed will be Artificial Intelligence. The Community Café, which will be held from 6 to 8 p.m., is an opportunity to bring together students, staff, parents and community members to discuss important topics impacting the school district. Guests will gather in small groups as we share ideas, perspectives and light refreshments. Registration is required. We hope you can join us!
NYS Accountability
The New York State Education Department has released 2024-2025 accountability statuses based on data from the 2023-2024 school year. To learn more, please visit our website.
2025-2026 Calendar:
The Board of Education approved the 2025-2026 district calendar at Monday’s board meeting. The calendar is available on our website.
Administrative Appointments:
The Board of Education approved three administrative appointments at its March 3rd board meeting. C.W. Baker High School Principal Kris Denton has been appointed by the Board of Education as the new Director of Academic Services, Visual and Performing Arts. Learning Coach Eric Ziegler has been appointed by the Board of Education as the Director of Technology, Data Management & Innovation. Director of Academic Services Melissa Chiodo has been appointed by the Board of Education as the next Director of Elementary Education. Learn more about Mr. Denton, Mr. Ziegler and Ms. Chiodo on our website.
Postseason Athletic Action:
Members of our Boys Swimming and Diving team will be competing in states today and Saturday at Ithaca College. Electronic ticketing only.
Members of our Boys and Girls Indoor Track & Field team will be competing in states on Saturday at the Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex in Staten Island. Electronic ticketing only.
March Calendar Reminders:
Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday. Clocks “spring forward” one hour starting at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9th.
There’s an error in our printed district calendar. The concert on Thursday, March 13th is a Durgee/Baker Chorus Concert not a band concert. The Durgee/Baker Band Concert is on Wednesday, March 19th.
Friday, March 14th is a half day for elementary students (pre-kindergarten to 5th grade) for Parent-Teacher Conferences.
The week of March 24th to March 28th is our annual district-wide Positivity Project Spirit Week. See daily themes here.
There is no school on Monday, March 31st for a Superintendent’s Conference Day.
Please continue to check ParentSquare, your email and our website at, for important updates. As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Have a great weekend! Go Bees!
Dr. Joseph M. DeBarbieri
Superintendent of Schools