Job Postings and applications may be found on the Recruitfront Website. If you are already enrolled in RecruitFront, be sure to update your employment application and materials. Click on the link that follows the jobs listed below to gain access to the Job Posting Board on the RecruitFront Application System:
The Baldwinsville Central School District is currently accepting applications from dedicated educators for consideration for our 2024/2025 anticipated vacancies as listed below.
2024/2025 Instructional Vacancies:
Long Term Substitute CTE/Technology Teacher – Durgee Junior High School
Instructional Continuous Recruitment for the following vacancies:
Coach Vacancies
25.26 Fall Coaching Football
Athletics Coaching Spring 2025 G. Lacrosse Varsity
2024-2025 Theater Personnel Vacancies:
Junior High Musical
- Set Design/Scenic Artist
- Costumer
- Stage Manager
- Hair/Make Up
- Set Construction
- Photographer
- Muical Director
High School Musical
- Producer
- Choreographer
- Set Design/Scenic Artist
- Costumer
- Pit Orchestra (5)
- Hair/Make Up
- Set Construction
- Photographer
High School Play/Drama
- Producer
- Set Design/Scenic Artist
- Costumer
- Hair/Make Up
- Set Construction
- Photographer
(Click on the links below to be taken to the job posting and application system.)
Please note, application deadlines may be modified from dates entered into the RecruitFront job postings.
Benefits Open Enrollment – Visit Benefits Webpage
Human Resources Staff
David H. Kilcourse
Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources
(315) 638-6047
Kathleen King
Personnel Aide
Instructional Staff Support
(315) 638-6047
Beth Evanchak
Human Resources Administrative Aide
Non-Instructional Staff Support
(315) 638-6049